How to create a simple WordPress plugin to display the text Hello World

WordPress plugins are pieces of software that can be uploaded to a WordPress site to extend its functionality. They are written in the PHP programming language and use WordPress’s built-in functions and APIs to interact with the WordPress database and other WordPress features.

Plugins can be used to add new features to a WordPress site, such as contact forms, SEO tools, and custom post types. They can also be used to modify existing features, such as changing the way that posts are displayed or adding custom fields to the WordPress login form.

To develop a WordPress plugin, you will need to have a basic understanding of PHP and WordPress coding conventions. Here are the basics steps to follow while creating a WordPress plugin:

  1. Plan your plugin: Determine the purpose of your plugin and what it will do.
  2. Create a folder for your plugin: This folder should be created in the wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Create a plugin file: Inside the plugin folder, create a new PHP file. This file will contain the plugin code for your plugin.
  4. Add plugin metadata: At the top of the plugin file, add comments that contain metadata about the plugin, such as its name, description, and version number.
  5. Write the plugin code: This is the main part of the plugin development process. Use WordPress functions and APIs to create the desired functionality for your plugin.
  6. Test the plugin: Before releasing the plugin, test it to make sure it is working as expected.
  7. Publish the plugin: If you are satisfied with the plugin, you can publish it on the WordPress plugin repository or distribute it on your own website.

Let’s look at a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple WordPress plugin to display the text Hello World.

  1. First, create a new folder in your WordPress installation’s ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory. This folder will contain all of the files for your plugin.
  2. Inside the new folder, create a file called hello-world.php. This file will contain the plugin code for your plugin.
  3. In the ‘hello-world.php’ file, add the following code at the top:
Plugin Name: Hello World
Plugin URI:
Description: A simple "Hello World" plugin
Version: 1.0
Author: Your Name
Author URI:

This code defines the plugin’s metadata, such as its name, description, and version number.

  1. Next, add the following code to the ‘hello-world.php’ file:
function hello_world_func() {
      return "Hello, World!";

This code defines a function called hello_world_func that returns the string “Hello, World!”.

  1. Finally, add the following code to the ‘hello-world.php’ file:
add_shortcode('hello_world', 'hello_world_func');

This code registers a WordPress shortcode called ‘hello_world’ that will execute the ‘hello_world_func’ function when it is used.

  1. Save the ‘hello-world.php’ file and activate the plugin in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. To display the “Hello, World!” message/text on your site, you can use the ‘hello_world’ shortcode in your posts or pages as required. For example, you can add the following shortcode to a post or page:
  1. When you view the post or page on your site, the shortcode will be replaced with the “Hello, World!” message.

That’s it! Creating a simple WordPress plugin involves planning the plugin’s purpose, writing the code, and publishing it so that others can use it on their WordPress sites.


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